Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hunger Games film

I think that here we see an example of how the medium changes the story. The narrative is essentially unchanged, the SF story of Katniss and Peeta forced by chance and a moral dilemma into a bloodsport arena, but the themes are subtly different. The movie is slightly more driven by spectacle not in a bad way but the audience for the Games are more a part of the story, the citizens of the Capitol with their fanciful decadence and Cinna's contrasting normalcy-Kudos to Lenny Kravitz by the way!- are more important in the film. And Jennifer Lawrence embodies Katniss to perfection. The movie is thoughtful in the same way that Rise of the Planet of the Apes was, a fine example of SF placing us in the milieu of revolution.
I very much enjoyed it.

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