Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sunlit clouds

And the small foreground cloud in shadow


Over Georgia

Carolina Sunset

Doesn't need fancy color manipulation


Sunset off 65


In the summertime


In the Georgia clouds

Layers of clouds

Location uncertain

Indigo to Rose

Location uncertain

Carolina Sunset

This was with the nearly full moon in the sky behind me...

Nearly full

May 12th

Sunlit clouds

Enormous mass of clouds

Seen here

Very nice

Sunset image

5/20 partial eclipse

At sunset near Houston

The Pyramid

In Memphis


In central Texas

What IS that?

I was thinking today, of the eternal question of children and explorers... What is that?
I know that question needs context, but let's say you're looking at a eucalyptus shrub or a terrifying little spider or some other phenomenon of nature that you have a pretty good idea of it's nature and essence, you just don't know it's name.
What is it's name? I think the real question in this case is, what is it known as? What name do experts in the field of botany or entomology etc call this funny rock or body of water?
That led me to thinking of the first thing Adam did in the Garden of Eden, he settled down to naming everything. We have to name everything. Things aren't real until we attach a symbol to them. And that my friends is a paradox and a filter through which everything is perceived.
We see the world through labels and filters and through the wrong end of a telescope and through a glass darkly.
It behooves us to remember how far apart perception and reality can be.
Just a thought from an amateur philosopher...